Migrant Services
The South Texas ISD Migrant Education Program is a supplemental instructional program that provides services for identified migrant students in grades 6-12.
The purpose of the Migrant Education Program is to provide support and appropriate educational services to migrant children who may experience obstacles such as educational disruptions as a result of their mobile lifestyles. The supplemental services provide our migrant students the opportunity to meet the same challenging state content and student performance standards expected by all students.
Eligibility for participation in the migrant program is dependent on whether the migrant student has crossed school district lines during the past three years so that the student, a parent, or other member of the immediate family may seek employment in agricultural or fishing related activities.
The South Texas ISD Migrant Education Program provides support services for migrant students through the following areas: Identification and Recruitment, New Generation System (NGS) for Migrant Student Record Transfer, Migrant Services Coordination, Graduation Enhancement, Secondary Credit Exchange and Accrual, Migrant Leadership/Enrichment Workshops, Laptop/Internet Services, Required Summer Reading Books & Services, Assistance with testing fees, Parental Involvement, PFS Implementation, and the facilitating of the Migrant Parent Advisory Council.
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- District
- South Texas ISD Health Professions
- South Texas ISD Medical Professions
- South Texas ISD Preparatory Academy
- South Texas ISD Rising Scholars Academy
- South Texas ISD Science Academy
- South Texas ISD Virtual Academy
- South Texas ISD World Scholars
- National Migrant Education Hotline
- Texas Interstate Migrant Program
- Region One Education Service Center- Migrant Program
South Texas ISD Health Professions
South Texas ISD Medical Professions
South Texas ISD Preparatory Academy
South Texas ISD Rising Scholars Academy
South Texas ISD Science Academy
South Texas ISD Virtual Academy
South Texas ISD World Scholars
National Migrant Education Hotline
Texas Interstate Migrant Program
Region One Education Service Center- Migrant Program
Migrant Services
- Migrant identification/recruitment services
- Laptop/internet services
- Required summer reading books and services
- Social work services
- Credit recovery services
- Assistance with testing fees
- Migrant leadership/enrichment workshops
- Migrant transfer coordination services
- Texas PFS Implementation
- Migrant Parent Advisory Council (MPAC)