Sora Sweet Reads is available all summer for free! Once you download the Sora app, search for South Texas ISD and sign in with your school ID and password. These audiobooks and ebooks will be available all summer to enjoy!
Gateway to the World Library
The Gateway to the World Library serves students, parents, faculty and staff from Preparatory Academy and World Scholars and is located in Edinburg.
Library hours:
Monday-Thursday: 7:45 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Friday: 7:45 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Need assistance?
Ask a Librarian
Capacity: Currently serves 600 middle school students and 600 high school students.
Facilities: Two computer labs; Makerspace; video editing lab; conference room; quick-print station
Library Collection:
Books: print volumes; eBooks and audiobooks
Periodicals: Magazine titles cover health, science, history, technology, and current event topics, as well as leisure reading
DVDs: Available for check out
Technology: Windows network for student use; take-home laptops; printers; scanners; charging stations; video editing and presentation equipment. MS Office; Inventor; and the Adobe Creative Cloud Suite are available on PCs
Online Resources: Library catalog; Office 365; eBooks; audio books; subscription databases; Accelerated Reader
Popular links for students, faculty and staff
- Library Catalog
- Accelerated Reader
- Databases
- Clever
- Eduphoria (for students)
- Skyward
- Canvas
- mySTISD - Google Account
- Office 365
- Zoom
- Equipment Agreement
- Tips for Transitioning to High School
Library Catalog
Accelerated Reader
Eduphoria (for students)
mySTISD - Google Account
Office 365
Equipment Agreement
Tips for Transitioning to High School
Gateway to the World Library Staff
Gateway to the World Library: 510 S. Sugar Rd., Edinburg, TX 78539 | Phone: 956.318.8525