Natividad "Nati" Sosa: Mission

Natividad "Nati" Sosa: Mission

Natividad “Nati” Sosa began her first term on the South Texas Independent School District (STISD) board of directors with her election to represent Hidalgo County Precinct 3 in November 2020.

Sosa, from Mission, is a business owner and medical billing specialist.

She attended The University of Texas at Austin and majored in history. She also studied acting/script writing at the Los Angeles City College (LACC) Theater Academy and has registered screenplay works with the Writers Guild of America.

Through her experiences as a parent and the director of parent advocacy for a pediatric foundation, she found a new calling to pursue a career teaching special education. Her inspiration for this move came from her own son, who is on the Autism Spectrum, as well as her other interactions with children with special needs. She is continuing her education to bring this dream to fruition.